Cephalopoda - Prolecanitida - Prolecanitidae
Alternative combinations: Goniatites monroensis, Nomismoceras monroensis
Belongs to Prolecanites according to V. E. Ruzhentsev and M. F. Bogoslovskaya 1971
See also Smith 1903
Sister taxa: Prolecanites americanus, Prolecanites compactus, Prolecanites discoides, Prolecanites dollei, Prolecanites gurleyi, Prolecanites hesteri, Prolecanites kiaensis, Prolecanites librovitchi, Prolecanites louisianensis, Prolecanites lyoni, Prolecanites maeandricus, Prolecanites mapesi, Prolecanites marshallensis, Prolecanites mixolobus, Prolecanites mojsisovicsi, Prolecanites perfectus, Prolecanites postapplanatus, Prolecanites primitivus, Prolecanites serpentinus, Prolecanites stevanovici
Ecology: fast-moving nektonic carnivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Prolecanites monroensis in the database
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