Subfamily Cybocephalinae Jacquelin du Val 1858 (sap beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Nitidulidae

Alternative spelling: Cybocephalidae

Parent taxon: Nitidulidae according to C. Y. Cai et al. 2022

See also Bouchard et al. 2011, Cline et al. 2014, Crowson 1981, Kurochkin and Kirejtshuk 2010, Lawrence and Newton 1995, Park and Downing 2001 and Robertson et al. 2015

Sister taxa: none

Subtaxa: Cybocephalini Cybocephalus Pastillocenicus

View classification

Type: Cybocephalus



• Miocene of United States (2: California collections)

• Eocene of France (1), the Russian Federation (2)

Total: 5 collections including 8 occurrences

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