Angiospermae - Mesangiosperms - Arecaceae
Alternative spelling: Nipa
Parent taxon: Arecaceae according to R. C. Mehrotra et al. 2003
See also Chandler 1961, Chandler 1961, Chandler 1963, Chandler 1978, Chauhan 1991, Gee 2001, Lakhanpal et al. 1976, Mai 2000, Pole and Macphail 1996, Sahni and Rode 1937, Srivastava 1991, Tiffney 1999 and Tralau 1964
Sister taxa: Amesoneuron, Archontophoenix, Areca, Arecipites, Arecoideae, Borassus, Calamopsis, Caryota, Chamaedorea, Cocos, Cocosocarpon, Coryphoideae, Echidiporites, Erythea, Eugeissona, Flabellaria, Friedemannia, Geonoma, Geonomites, Grimsdalea, Hyphaeneocarpon, Iriartea, Iriartites, Krempocarpon, Longapertites, Luminidites, Manicaria, Mauritiidites, Nipadites, Nypoideae, Oraniopsis, Oreodoxites, Palmacites, Palmocaulon, Palmostroboxylon, Palmoxylon, Paloreodoxites, Parapalmocaulon, Phoenicites, Racemonocolpites, Rhizopalmoxylon, Sabal, Sabalocaulon, Sabalophyllum, Spinizonocolpites, Spinopalmoxylon, Tricoccites, Tripylocarpa, Victorisporis, Calamus, Spinophyllum, Hyphaene, Phoenix, Bactrites, Versipalmicutis, Latericutis, Corypheae, Rhizopalmoxylon, Burtinia, Palmites, Attaleinites, Palmaepollenites, Serenopsis, Palaeospadix, Astrocaryum, Perfossus, Caryotispermum, Palmophyllum, Sanmiguelia, Juranyia, Palmocarpon, Neozamia, Cocoopsis, Palmanthium, Anomophyllites, Cocites, Lepidocaryinae, Palaeothrinax, Eolirion, Latanites, Perrandoa, Hemiphoenicites, Rhapis, Palmaepites, Palmostrobus
Subtaxa: Nypa australis Nypa burtini Nypa fruticans Nypa hindi Nypa sahnii
Ecology: "photoautotroph"
• Quaternary of India (2 collections)
• Miocene of India (2)
• Oligocene to Miocene of India (1)
• Oligocene of India (1)
• Eocene of Australia (2), Germany (2), India (1), the United Kingdom (12), United States (3: Maryland, Texas)
• Paleogene of India (1)
• Paleocene of Morocco (1)
• Cretaceous to Paleogene of India (1)
• Cretaceous of India (1)
Total: 30 collections including 48 occurrences
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