Omma liassicum Crowson 1962 (beetle)

Insecta - Coleoptera - Ommatidae

Alternative combination: Omma liassica

Full reference: R. A. Crowson. 1962. Observations on the beetle family Cupedidae, with descriptions of two new fossil forms and a key to the recent genera. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Series 13 5:147-157

Belongs to Omma according to A. G. Kirejtshuk 2020

See also Crowson 1962, Escalona et al. 2020 and Soriano and Delclos 2006

Sister taxa: Omma aberratum, Omma altajense, Omma ancistrodontum, Omma antennatum, Omma avus, Omma brevipes, Omma davidbatteni, Omma daxishanense, Omma delicatum, Omma elongatum, Omma forte, Omma gobiense, Omma grande, Omma janetae, Omma jurassicum, Omma lii, Omma longicolle, Omma manukyani, Omma pilosum, Omma sibiricum, Omma zitteli, Pyrochroophana suprajurensis, Pyrochroophana robusta, Pyrochroophana maior

Type specimen: BMNH I.11095, an exoskeleton. Its type locality is Brown's Wood, Warwickshire, which is in a Rhaetian marine horizon in the United Kingdom.



• Jurassic of the United Kingdom (2 collections)

• Triassic to Jurassic of the United Kingdom (1)

• Triassic of the United Kingdom (3)

Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence

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