Adelolophus Gates et al. 2014 (lambeosaurine)

Reptilia - Ornithischia - Hadrosauridae

Full reference: T. A. Gates, Z. Jinnah, C. Levitt and M. A. Getty. 2014. New hadrosaurid (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) specimens from the lower-middle Campanian Wahweap Formation of southern Utah. Hadrosaurs 156-173

Parent taxon: Lambeosaurinae according to T. A. Gates et al. 2014

Sister taxa: Amurosaurus, Angulomastacator, Aralosaurini, Aralosaurus, Arenysaurini, Corythosaurini, Hadrosaurus paucidens, Jaxartosaurus, Kazaklambia, Lambeosaurini, Latirhinus, Nipponosaurus, Olorotitan, Parasaurolophini, Tsintaosaurini, Tsintaosaurus

Subtaxa: Adelolophus hutchisoni

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Type: Adelolophus hutchisoni

Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore

Distribution: found only at USGS D815 (UCMP V98173) (Cretaceous of Utah)

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