Reptilia - Ornithischia - Hadrosauridae
Alternative spellings: Hydrosauridae, Madrosauridae
Synonyms: Claosauridae Marsh 1890, Prohadrosauridae Huene 1956, Protrachodontidae Nopcsa 1915, Trachodontidae Lydekker 1888, Trachydontidae Lydekker 1888, Trachyodontidae Lydekker 1888
Full reference: E. D. Cope. 1869. Synopsis of the Extinct Batrachia, Reptilia and Aves of North America. Part I. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series 14:1-104
Parent taxon: Hadrosauroidea according to Y. Kobayashi et al. 2021
See also Apesteguía et al. 2012, Arldt 1909, Baird and Horner 1979, Bakker 1986, Baur 1891, Benton 1979, Benton 1990, Bolotsky and Godefroit 2004, Bonaparte 1978, Brambilla 1972, Campione and Evans 2011, Carroll 1988, Casamiquela 1964, Casanovas et al. 1999, Charig 1967, Cooper 1985, Cope 1869, Cope 1870, Cope 1871, Cope 1875, Cope 1883, Cope 1883, Cope 1891, Cope 1898, Coria et al. 2012, Cruzado-Caballero et al. 2010, Cruzado-Caballero and Powell 2017, Dalla Vecchia 2009, Dalla Vecchia 2020, Dollo 1882, Dollo 1884, Dong 1979, Eberth et al. 2001, Estes 1964, Forster 1997, Freedman Fowler and Horner 2015, Gilmore 1916, Gilmore 1919, Godefroit et al. 2004, Godefroit et al. 1998, Godefroit et al. 2008, Hatcher 1902, Haubold 1971, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Horner 1990, Horner 1992, Huene 1909, Huene 1914, Huene 1927, Huene 1934, Huene 1934, Huene 1948, Huene 1959, Hunt and Lucas 1993, Ibiricu et al. 2021, Jaekel 1911, Jaekel 1914, Kobayashi et al. 2019, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1964, Kuhn 1966, Lambe 1905, Lambe 1911, Lambe 1917, Lambe 1918, Lambe 1920, Lapparent 1947, Le Loeuff 1998, Lull 1924, Lull and Wright 1942, Lydekker 1888, Madsen and Miller 1979, Mansel-Pleydell 1902, Marsh 1882, Marsh 1884, Marsh 1885, Marsh 1890, Marsh 1895, Marsh 1896, Martinelli and Forasiepi 2004, Matthew 1915, McDonald 2012, McDonald et al. 2010, McIntosh 1981, Miller 1967, Miller 1955, Milner and Norman 1984, Nagao 1936, Nagao 1939, Nessov 1995, Nopcsa 1901, Nopcsa 1923, Nopcsa 1928, Nopcsa 1929, Norman 1984, Norman 1984, Norman 1989, Norman 2004, Norman 2014, Norman and Sues 2000, Osborn 1923, Ostrom 1980, Parks 1920, Parks 1935, Parsch 1963, Peng et al. 2001, Pereda-Suberbiola et al. 2009, Prieto-Márquez 2010, Prieto-Márquez 2012, Prieto-Márquez et al. 2019, Prieto-Márquez et al. 2006, Prieto-Marquez and Salinas 2010, Prieto-Márquez and Wagner 2010, Prieto-Márquez et al. 2006, Ramírez-Velasco et al. 2012, Rapp 1944, Romer 1956, Romer 1966, Roxo 1937, Rozhdestvensky 1977, Russell 1930, Russell 1984, Sauvage 1882, Sauvage 1909, Sereno 1986, Sereno 1997, Sereno 1998, Sereno 1999, Sternberg 1936, Sternberg 1953, Sternberg 1954, Sues and Averianov 2009, Swinton 1970, Takasaki et al. 2019, Tan et al. 2015, Tatarinov 1964, Thulborn 1970, Thulborn 1974, Thulborn 1977, Thurmond and Jones 1981, Van Den Broeck 1900, Verdú et al. 2021, von Zittel 1911, Weishampel and Weishampel 1983, Winkler 1893, You et al. 2003, You et al. 2005, Zhang et al. 2019 and Zittel 1890
Sister taxa: Bactrosaurus, Batyrosaurus, Cedrorestes, Claosaurus, Datonglong, Eolambia, Equijubus, Fukuisaurus, Fylax, Gilmoreosaurus, Gobihadros, Gongpoquansaurus, Gonkoken, Huehuecanauhtlus, Iguanodon hillii, Jeyawati, Jintasaurus, Koshisaurus, Levnesovia, Morelladon, Nanningosaurus, Nanyangosaurus, Ovaloolithidae, Penelopognathus, Plesiohadros, Portellsaurus, Probactrosaurus, Protohadros, Qianjiangsaurus, Ratchasimasaurus, Shuangmiaosaurus, Sirindhorna, Spheroolithidae, Tanius, Telmatosaurus, Tethyshadros, Trachodon cantabrigiensis, Xuwulong, Yunganglong, Zhanghenglong, Zuoyunlong
Subtaxa: Acheralichnus Aquilarhinus Arstanosaurus Arstanosaurus akkurganensis Cionodon Claorhynchus Diclonius Edmontosaurinae Eotrachodon Euhadrosauria Gryposaurinae Hadrosaurinae Hadrosaurus breviceps Hadrosaurus cavatus Hadrosaurus minor Hypsibema Lambeosaurinae Lapampasaurus Maiasaurinae Malefica Microhadrosaurus Nectosaurus Neosaurus missouriensis Ornithotarsus Orthomerus Parrosaurus Prohadrosaurinae Protrachodontinae Pteropelyx Saurolophidae Saurolophinae Saurolophus krystofovici Thespesius Trachodon Trachodontinae Tridigitichnus Troodon isfarensis Tyrannosauropus Willinakaqe Yamatosaurus
Type: Hadrosaurus
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore