Nothofagus bulbosa Hill 1991

Angiospermae - Fagales - Nothofagaceae

Full reference: R. S. Hill. 1991. Tertiary Nothofagus (Fagaceae) macrofossils from Tasmania and Antarctica and their bearing on the evolution of the genus. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 105:73-112

Belongs to Nothofagus according to R. S. Hill 1991

Sister taxa: Nothofagus australis, Nothofagus beardmorensis, Nothofagus cethanica, Nothofagus cooksoni, Nothofagus crenulata, Nothofagus cretacea, Nothofagus densinervosa, Nothofagus elongata, Nothofagus glandularis, Nothofagus glaucifolia, Nothofagus gunnii, Nothofagus lanceolata, Nothofagus lobata, Nothofagus magelhaenica, Nothofagus magellanica, Nothofagus maideni, Nothofagus microphylla, Nothofagus mucronata, Nothofagus obliqua, Nothofagus palustris, Nothofagus peduncularis, Nothofagus serrata, Nothofagus serrulata, Nothofagus simplicidens, Nothofagus tasmanica, Nothofagus ulmifolia, Nothofagus variabilis, Nothofagus zastawniakiae

Type specimen: LRR1-1017, a seed/fruit (Cupule). Its type locality is Little Rapid River 1, which is in an Oligocene fluvial-lacustrine mudstone in Australia.

Ecology: "photoautotroph"

Distribution: found only at Little Rapid River 1

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