Nothofagus palustris Carpenter et al. 2014

Angiospermae - Fagales - Nothofagaceae

Full reference: R. J. Carpenter, J. M. Bannister, D. E. Lee and G. J. Jordan. 2014. Nothofagus subgenus Brassospora (Nothofagaceae) leaf fossils from New Zealand: a link to Australia and New Guinea?. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174(4):503-515

Belongs to Nothofagus according to R. J. Carpenter et al. 2014

Sister taxa: Nothofagus australis, Nothofagus beardmorensis, Nothofagus bulbosa, Nothofagus cethanica, Nothofagus cooksoni, Nothofagus crenulata, Nothofagus cretacea, Nothofagus densinervosa, Nothofagus elongata, Nothofagus glandularis, Nothofagus glaucifolia, Nothofagus gunnii, Nothofagus lanceolata, Nothofagus lobata, Nothofagus magelhaenica, Nothofagus magellanica, Nothofagus maideni, Nothofagus microphylla, Nothofagus mucronata, Nothofagus obliqua, Nothofagus peduncularis, Nothofagus serrata, Nothofagus serrulata, Nothofagus simplicidens, Nothofagus tasmanica, Nothofagus ulmifolia, Nothofagus variabilis, Nothofagus zastawniakiae

Type specimen: Holotype: OU32159, Geology Museum, University of Otago, Dunedin, NZ, a leaf (Cuticle). Its type locality is F45/f0394, middle Gore Lignite Measure, Newvale Mine, which is in an Oligocene/Miocene mire/swamp lignite in New Zealand.

Ecology: "photoautotroph"

Distribution: found only at F45/f0394, middle Gore Lignite Measure, Newvale Mine

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