Retepora bartrumi Brown 1952 (bryozoan)

Gymnolaemata - Cheilostomata - Phidoloporidae

Full reference: D. A. Brown. 1952. The Tertiary Cheilostomatous Polyzoa of New Zealand. 1-405

Belongs to Retepora according to D. A. Brown 1952

Sister taxa: Reteporella cellulosa, Reteporella doverensis, Reteporella granti, Reteporella mediocris, Reteporella quadripora, Reteporella rimata, Retepora fenestrata, Retepora monilifera, Retepora lepida, Retepora dartmoorensis, Retepora tridentata, Retepora incisura, Retepora avicularis, Retepora marsupiata, Retepora flexuosa, Sertella nangeelaensis, Sertella porcellana, Sertella dovedalensis, Sertella fissa, Sertella mucronata, Sertella granulata

Type specimen: D. 36860. Its type locality is North Canterbury, which is in an Altonian marine limestone in the Mt Brown "E" Limestone Formation of New Zealand.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder

Distribution: found only at North Canterbury

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