Gymnolaemata - Cheilostomata - Phidoloporidae
Full reference: A. K. Guha and K. Gopikrishna. 2007. Some fossil ascophoran bryozoan taxa from Tertiary sequences of western Kachchh, Gujarat. Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India 52(2):195-222
Belongs to Reteporella according to A. K. Guha and K. Gopikrishna 2007
Sister taxa: Reteporella cellulosa, Reteporella doverensis, Reteporella granti, Reteporella mediocris, Reteporella rimata, Sertella fissa, Sertella nangeelaensis, Sertella mucronata, Sertella porcellana, Sertella dovedalensis, Sertella granulata, Retepora incisura, Retepora fenestrata, Retepora bartrumi, Retepora lepida, Retepora tridentata, Retepora flexuosa, Retepora marsupiata, Retepora avicularis, Retepora monilifera, Retepora dartmoorensis
Type specimen: GSI Type No. K60/829.
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
• Miocene of India (4 collections)
• Oligocene of India (2)
Total: 6 collections each including a single occurrence
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