†order Permopsocida Tillyard 1926 (winged insect)

Insecta - Permopsocida

Full reference: R. J. Tillyard. 1926. Kansas Permian Insects, Part 8: The Order Copeognatha. American Journal of Science, Series 5 11(64):315-349

Parent taxon: Acercaria according to J. Prokop et al. 2017

See also Carpenter 1992, Huang et al. 2016, Martynov 1926, Prokop et al. 2016 and Zalessky 1937

Sister taxa: Pancondylognatha, Westphalopsocidae

Subtaxa: Archipsyllidae Permopsocidae Psocidiidae

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• Cretaceous of Myanmar (4 collections), the Russian Federation (2)

• Jurassic of China (1), Germany (2), Kazakhstan (4)

• Triassic of Australia (1)

• Permian of Australia (4), the Russian Federation (7), United States (12: Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma)

• Carboniferous of Germany (1)

Total: 38 collections including 74 occurrences

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