†Odontocyclops whaitsi Broom 1913 (therapsid)
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Osteichthyes - Anomodontia - Cryptodontidae
Alternative combinations: Dicynodon whaitsi, Oudenodon whaitsi
Synonym: Rhachiocephalus dubius Boonstra 1938
Full reference: R. Broom. 1913. On some new genera and species of dicynodont reptiles, with notes on a few others. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 32:441-457
Belongs to Odontocyclops according to K. D. Angielczyk 2002
See also Angielczyk et al. 2014, Boonstra 1938, Brink 1986, Broom 1913, King 1988 and Van Hoepen 1934
Sister taxa: none
Type specimens:
- Odontocyclops whaitsi: AMNH FARB 5566, a partial skull
- Rhachiocephalus dubius: R. 13 , a skull. Its type locality is Drysdall & Kitching locality 4, Upper Luangwa Valley, which is in a Wuchiapingian terrestrial mudstone in the Madumabisa Mudstone Formation of Zambia.
Ecology: herbivore
• Permian of South Africa (3 collections), Zambia (6)
Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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