Leptotracheliscops eupachygnathus Watson 1921 (therapsid)

Osteichthyes - Therapsida - Gorgonopidae

Alternative combinations: Gorgonops eupachygnathus, Leptotrachelus eupachygnathus

Belongs to Leptotracheliscops according to C. F. Kammerer 2014

See also Sigogneau-Russell 1989

Sister taxa: Gorgonops dixeyi, Gorgonops kaiseri, Gorgonops longifrons, Gorgonops torvus, Gorgonops whaitsi

Type specimen: BMNH R 4051, a partial skull (A completely flattened and incomplete skull with lower jaw). Its type locality is Hansrivier, Beaufort West, which is in a Wuchiapingian terrestrial siliciclastic in South Africa.

Ecology: carnivore

Distribution: found only at Hansrivier, Beaufort West

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