Proterosuchus goweri Ezcurra and Butler 2015 (archosauromorph)

Reptilia - Diapsida - Proterosuchidae

Full reference: M. D. Ezcurra and R. J. Butler. 2015. Taxonomy of the proterosuchid archosauriforms (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) from the earliest Triassic of South Africa, and implications for the early archosauriform radiation. Palaeontology 58(1):141-170

Belongs to Proterosuchus according to M. D. Ezcurra 2016

See also Ezcurra and Butler 2015

Sister taxa: Proterosuchus alexanderi, Proterosuchus fergusi, Chasmatosaurus yuani

Type specimen: NMQR 880, a partial skull (partial skull with detached braincase, a right dorsal rib, and left tibia and fibula). Its type locality is Kruisvlei 279, east of Winburg, which is in a Triassic terrestrial horizon in the Katberg Formation of South Africa.

Ecology: carnivore

Distribution: found only at Kruisvlei 279, east of Winburg

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