Terebellum fusiforme Lamarck 1802 (true conch)

Gastropoda - Sorbeoconcha - Strombidae

Full reference: J. B. Lamarck. 1802. Suite des mémoires sur les fossiles des environs de Paris. Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle 1:383-391

Belongs to Terebellum according to J. B. Lamarck 1802

Sister taxa: Terebellum (Mauryna), Terebellum (Terebellum), Terebellum andersoni, Terebellum burdenii, Terebellum californicum, Terebellum carcassense, Terebellum diversiornatum, Terebellum etiwanensis, Terebellum fusiformopse, Terebellum obtusum, Terebellum olympiae, Terebellum saudiensis, Terebellum striatum, Terebellum subulatum, Terebellum terebellum

Type specimen: Its type locality is Paris area (unspecified), which is in a Lutetian carbonate carbonate in France

Ecology: epifaunal omnivore-grazer


• Oligocene of Romania (1 collection)

• Eocene of Bulgaria (3), France (1), Libya (1), Romania (3), the United Kingdom (2)

Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence

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