Gastropoda - Sorbeoconcha - Strombidae
Alternative combination: Seraphs andersoni
Full reference: R. E. Dickerson. 1917. Climate and its influence upon the Oligocene faunas of the Pacific Coast, with descriptions of some new species from the Molopophorus lincolnensis Zone. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 7(6):157-192
Belongs to Terebellum according to W. L. Effinger 1938
See also Dickerson 1917 and Durham 1944
Sister taxa: Terebellum (Mauryna), Terebellum (Terebellum), Terebellum burdenii, Terebellum californicum, Terebellum carcassense, Terebellum diversiornatum, Terebellum etiwanensis, Terebellum fusiforme, Terebellum fusiformopse, Terebellum obtusum, Terebellum olympiae, Terebellum saudiensis, Terebellum striatum, Terebellum subulatum, Terebellum terebellum
Type specimen: CAS 434. Its type locality is CAS loc. 181, Cowlitz River, 4mi E. of Vader, which is in an Eocene coastal sandstone/conglomerate in Washington.
Ecology: epifaunal omnivore-grazer
• Eocene of United States (3: Washington collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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