†Solenomorpha lamborni Morningstar 1922 (clam)
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Bivalvia - Solenida - Solenomorphidae
Full reference: H. Morningstar. 1922. Pottsville fauna of Ohio. Ohio Geological Survey Bulletin 25:1-312
Belongs to Solenomorpha according to H. Morningstar 1922
Sister taxa: Solenomorpha elegantissima, Solenomorpha gardneri, Solenomorpha gladius, Solenomorpha kogimica, Solenomorpha nitida, Solenomorpha parvula, Solenomorpha siliqua
Type specimen: OSU 15255, a shell
Ecology: facultatively mobile infaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at Sugar Camp Creek, Sharon Unit, Scioto (Carboniferous of Ohio)
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