Strophomenata - Orthotetida - Triplesiidae
Full reference: L. R. M. Cocks. 2014. The Late Ordovician brachiopods of southern Pembrokeshire and adjacent south-western Wales. Special Papers in Palaeontology 91:1-89
Belongs to Triplesia according to L. R. M. Cocks 2014
Sister taxa: Triplesia calcifera, Triplesia carinata, Triplesia craigensis, Triplesia edgelliana, Triplesia eospiriferoides, Triplesia extans, Triplesia girvanensis, Triplesia iberica, Triplesia insularis, Triplesia maennili, Triplesia monilifera, Triplesia sortanensis, Triplesia subcarinata, Triplesia woodlandensis, Triplesia yichangensis, Triplesia zhejiangensis
Type specimen: BC 59148, a shell (internal & external moulds of joined valves). Its type locality is Track to old quarry in Lime Kiln Wood, 400 m north of Robeston Wathen Church, which is in a Rawtheyan carbonate mudstone in the Slade and Redhill Mudstone Formation of the United Kingdom.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Ordovician of Belgium (9 collections), Ireland (1), the United Kingdom (9)
Total: 19 collections each including a single occurrence
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