Crassitestella reedi Cocks 1968 (lamp shell)

Strophomenata - Strophomenida - Rafinesquinidae

Alternative combinations: Laevicyphomena reedi, Leptaena reedi

Full reference: L. R. M. Cocks. 1968. Some strophomenacean brachiopods from the British Lower Silurian. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), London, Geology 15:283-324

Belongs to Crassitestella according to B. G. Baarli 1995

See also Cocks 1968 and Temple 1987

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: B 73341, a shell (conjoined valves). Its type locality is Locality 7: Woodland Point, 430 meters west of Woodland farm (section only exposed at low-tide), which is in a Rhuddanian marine limestone in the Saugh Hill Grits Formation of the United Kingdom.

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Silurian of Norway (2 collections), the United Kingdom (19)

Total: 21 collections each including a single occurrence

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