Desmorthis segnis Havlicek and Branisa 1980 (lamp shell)

Rhynchonellata - Orthida - Plectorthidae

Full reference: V. Havlicek and L. Branisa. 1980. Ordovician brachiopods of Bolivia: Succession of assemblages, climate control, affinity to Anglo-French and Bohemian provinces. Rozpravy Ceskoslovenske Akademie Ved. Rada Matematickych a Prirodnich Ved. Academia Praha, Prague, Czechoslovakia 90(1):1-54

Belongs to Desmorthis according to V. Havlicek and L. Branisa 1980

Sister taxa: Desmorthis bifurcata, Desmorthis crassus, Desmorthis nevadensis, Desmorthis planus

Type specimen: Its type locality is Sella, which is in an Arenig deep subtidal shelf shale/limestone in the Sella Formation of Bolivia

Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder


• Arenig of Bolivia (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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