†family Emucarididae Paterson et al. 2010 (artiopod)

Artiopoda - Nektaspidida - Emucarididae

Full reference: J. R. Paterson, G. D. Edgecombe, D. C. Garca-Bellido, J. B. Jago, and J. G. Gehling. 2010. Nektaspid arthropods from the lower Cambrian Emu Bay Shale Lagerstatte, South Australia, with a reassessment of lamellipedian relationships. Palaeontology 53(2):377-402

Parent taxon: Nektaspida according to J. R. Paterson et al. 2010

Sister taxa: Buenaspis, Naraoiidae, Petalopleura, Tarricoia

Subtaxa: Emucaris Kangacaris

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Type: Emucaris


Distribution: found only at Emu Bay Shale (Cambrian of Australia)

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