Rhynchonellata - Rhynchonellida - Notosariidae
Alternative combinations: Rhynchonella doederleini, Tegulorhynchia doderleini
Belongs to Tegulorhynchia according to G. A. Cooper 1959
See also Cooper 1957 and Hatai 1940
Sister taxa: Tegulorhynchia ampullacea, Tegulorhynchia boongeroodaensis, Tegulorhynchia coelata, Tegulorhynchia coelospina, Tegulorhynchia depressa, Tegulorhynchia hrodelberti, Tegulorhynchia imbricata, Tegulorhynchia masoni, Tegulorhynchia squamosa, Tegulorhynchia squamosa, Tegulorhynchia thomsoni, Tegulorhynchia tubulifera
Type specimen: USNM 549317, a shell
Ecology: stationary epifaunal suspension feeder
Distribution: found only at USGS 17480, east of Yashitomi (FSM 27) (Quaternary of Japan)
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