Rhynchonellata - Terebratulida - Cranaenidae
Full reference: J. L. Carter. 1967. Mississippian brachiopods from the Chappel Limestone of central Texas. Bulletins of American Paleontology 53(238):249-488
Belongs to Cranaena according to J. L. Carter 1967
Sister taxa: Cranaena circularis, Cranaena concava, Cranaena dorsisulcata, Cranaena globosa, Cranaena hannibalensis, Cranaena lincklaeni, Cranaena romingeri, Cranaena sullivanti, Eunella harmonia
Type specimen: USNM 154915, a shell. Its type locality is USNM 9045, Chappel Ls, McCulloc County, TX, which is in a Kinderhookian shallow subtidal limestone in the Chappel Limestone Formation of Texas.
Ecology: stationary low-level epifaunal suspension feeder
• Carboniferous of Canada (5: Alberta collections), United States (6: Texas)
Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence
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