Austaulius Kelly et al. 2018 (winged insect)

Insecta - Necrotrichoptera - Necrotauliidae

Full reference: R. S. Kelly, A. J. Ross, and R. A. Coram. 2018. A review of necrotauliids from the Triassic/Jurassic of England (Trichoptera: Necrotauliidae). Psyche 2018:6706120

Parent taxon: Necrotauliidae according to R. S. Kelly et al. 2018

Sister taxa: Acisarcuatus, Anecrotaulius, Archiptilia, Cretotaulius, Epididontus, Karataulius, Mesotrichopteridium, Metarchitaulius, Nannotrichopteron, Necrotaulius, Palaeotaulius, Paranecrotaulius, Pararchitaulius, Parataulius, Paratrichopteridium, Pseudorthophlebia, Pteromixanum, Scyphindusia

Subtaxa: Austaulius furcatus Austaulius haustrum

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Type: Orthophlebia furcata



• Jurassic of the United Kingdom (2 collections)

• Triassic of the United Kingdom (3)

Total: 5 collections including 7 occurrences

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