†family Rhytidosteidae Huene 1920 (tetrapod)
Amphibia - Temnospondyli - Rhytidosteidae
Parent taxon: Rhytidosteoidea according to R. Schoch and A. R. Milner 2000
See also Carroll 1988, Cosgriff 1965, Cosgriff and Zawiskie 1979, Damiani and Rubidge 2003, Haughton 1925, Marsicano and Warren 1998, Warren and Black 1985 and Yates and Warren 2000
Sister taxa: Derwentiidae, Indobrachyopidae
Subtaxa: Arcadia Cabralia Nanolania Peltosteginae Rhytidosteinae Sangaia
Ecology: amphibious carnivore
• Triassic of Australia (10 collections), Brazil (2), Madagascar (5), the Russian Federation (4), South Africa (3)
• Permian of Australia (1)
Total: 25 collections each including a single occurrence