Aves - Strigiformes - Strigidae
Synonyms: Noctua Gmelin 1771, Nyctalops Wagler 1832
Parent taxon: Strigidae according to J. F. Clements et al. 2017
See also Gaillard 1908, Guthrie 1992, Hay 1930, Lambrecht 1933, Mlikovsky 2002, Olson and James 1982, Schultz and Howard 1935, Wetmore 1940 and Wetmore 1956
Sister taxa: Aegolius, Alasio, Asio pygmaeus, Athene, Basityto, Bubo, Ciccaba, Cryptoglaux, Glaucidium, Grallistrix, Ieraglaucinae, Intulula, Ketupa, Margarobyas, Megascops, Micrathene, Micropallas, Mioglaux, Necrobyas, Ninox, Oraristrix, Ornimegalonyx, Otus, Otus henrici, Palaeoglaux, Prosybris, Sceloglaux, Speotyto, Striginae, Strigogyps, Strix, Surnia, Surniinae
Subtaxa: Asio asio Asio flammeus Asio henrici Asio longaevus Asio madagascariensis Asio otus Asio priscus Asio stygius
Type: Asio asio
Ecology: volant carnivore-insectivore
• Quaternary of Argentina (1 collection), the Dominican Republic (2), Falkland Islands (Malvinas) (1), France (2), Greece (3), Hungary (2), Italy (3), Madagascar (3), Peru (1), Portugal (1), Romania (2), the Russian Federation (2), the United Kingdom (1), United States (29: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, New Mexico, Utah, Virginia, Wyoming), Venezuela (1)
• Pliocene of Ukraine (1)
• Miocene to Pleistocene of Ukraine (1)
Total: 56 collections including 63 occurrences
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