Brachyrhinodon taylori Huene 1910 (lepidosaur)

Reptilia - Eosuchia - Clevosauridae

Full reference: F. v. Huene. 1910. Über einen echten Rhynchocephalen aus der Trias von Elgin, Brachyrhinodon taylori [On a true rhynchocephalian from the Triassic of Elgin, Brachyrhinodon taylori]. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie, und Paläontologie 1910(2):29-62

Belongs to Brachyrhinodon according to F. v. Huene 1910

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: BMNH R3559, a skeleton. Its type locality is Lossiemouth West & East Quarries, Elgin, which is in a Carnian/Norian dune sandstone/sandstone in the Lossiemouth Sandstone Formation of the United Kingdom.


Distribution: found only at Lossiemouth West & East Quarries, Elgin

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