Mesonacis bonnensis Resser and Howell 1938 (trilobite)

Trilobita - Redlichiida - Olenellidae

Alternative combination: Olenellus bonnensis

Synonyms: Fremontia brevoculus Resser and Howell 1938, Olenellus brevoculus Resser and Howell 1938, Olenellus terranovicus Resser and Howell 1938

Belongs to Mesonacis according to B. S. Lieberman 1999

See also Harrington 1956 and Resser and Howell 1938

Sister taxa: Mesonacis cylindricus, Mesonacis eagerensis, Mesonacis fremonti, Mesonacis hamoculus, Mesonacis vermontanus, Mesonacis wileyi, Fremontia canadensis

Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder


• Cambrian of Canada (2: Newfoundland collections)

Total: 2 collections each including a single occurrence

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