Emys Dumeril 1806 (pond turtle)

Reptilia - Testudines - Emydidae

Parent taxon: Emydidae according to E. Vlachos 2021

See also Bickham 1975, Capasso Barbato and Gliozzi 1995, Carroll 1988, Cope 1875, Cope 1884, Frank and Ramus 1996, Hay 1902, Holman 2002, Leidy 1860, Leidy 1865, Leidy 1873, Lydekker 1889, Owen 1842, Quenstedt 1882, Seeley 1881, van Dijk et al. 2014, Vlachos 2018 and Vlachos and Delfino 2016

Sister taxa: Batagurinae, Callagur, Chelonemys, Chelopus, Chrysemys limnodytes, Clemmys hutchensorum, Clemmys saxea, Deirochelyinae, Deirochelys floridana, Emydinae, Emydoidea, Emydoidea hutchisoni, Epiemys, Glyptemys, Grayemys, Gyremys, Hieremys, Hybemys, Lyssemys, Malacoclemmys, Palaeotheca, Polyechmatemys, Pseudemys, Pseudemys bisornatus, Pseudemys extincta, Pseudemys hillii, Pseudochrysemys, Pseudograptemys, Pyxidea, Sakya, Senryuemys, Shansiemys, Sharemys, Terrapene

Subtaxa: Emys cuvieri Emys dhongoka Emys hordwellensis Emys kachuga Emys lucii Emys marmorata Emys namadicus Emys orbicularis Emys sigriz Emys sinensis Emys trinacris Emys vulgaris Emys wermuthi Emys wyomingensis

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Ecology: aquatic omnivore


• Quaternary of Bulgaria (2 collections), China (1), Croatia (2), the Czech Republic (1), France (6), Germany (5), Greece (11), Hungary (1), Italy (6), Malta (1), Monaco (1), the Netherlands (2), Portugal (1), Slovakia (4), Spain (5), Taiwan (1), the United Kingdom (14), United States (13: California, Sussex)

• Blancan of United States (1: Idaho)

• Pliocene to Pleistocene of Italy (1), United States (1: California)

• Pliocene of China (1), Germany (1), Greece (1), Hungary (1), Moldova (1), Poland (2), Slovakia (3), Ukraine (1)

• Hemphillian of United States (7: California, Idaho)

• Miocene of Portugal (1), the Russian Federation (1), Switzerland (1), United States (1: Oregon)

• Neogene of Myanmar (1)

• Eocene of China (1), the United Kingdom (7), United States (6: Wyoming)

• Paleocene of United States (1: New Mexico)

Total: 118 collections including 121 occurrences

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