†Bicuspidon hogreli Vullo and Rage 2018 (squamates)
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Reptilia - Squamata - Polyglyphanodontidae
Full reference: R. Vullo and J.-C. Rage. 2018. The first Gondwanan borioteiioid lizard and the mid-Cretaceous dispersal event between North America and Africa. The Science of Nature 105:61:1-8
Belongs to Bicuspidon according to R. Vullo and J.-C. Rage 2018
Sister taxa: Bicuspidon hatzegiensis, Bicuspidon numerosus, Bicuspidon smikros
Type specimen: MHNM.KK386, a mandible. Its type locality is El Begâa, which is in a Cenomanian fluvial-deltaic horizon in the Ifezouane Formation of Morocco.
Ecology: omnivore
Distribution: found only at El Begâa
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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