Epikellnerites bagolinensis Brack and Rieber 1993 (ceratite)

Cephalopoda - Ceratitida - Ceratitidae

Alternative combination: Kellnerites bagolinensis

Full reference: P. Brack and H. Rieber. 1993. Towards a better definition of the Anisian/Ladinian boundary: new biostratigraphic data and correlations of boundary sections from the Southern Alps. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 86(2):415-527

Belongs to Epikellnerites according to A. Vörös 2018

See also Brack and Rieber 1993

Sister taxa: Epikellnerites angustecarinatus, Epikellnerites pseudocholnokyi, Epikellnerites spinatus, Epikellnerites tamasi, Epikellnerites vaszolyensis

Type specimen: PIMUZ 7061. Its type locality is Caffaro riverbed section, Bagolino, 55.5 m, which is in an Illyrian basinal (carbonate) limestone in the Buchenstein Formation of Italy.

Ecology: nektonic carnivore


• Triassic of Italy (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence

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