Tanytrachelos Olsen 1979 (archosauromorph)

Reptilia - Diapsida - Tanystropheidae

Full reference: P. E. Olsen. 1979. A new aquatic eosuchian from the Newark Supergroup (Late Triassic–Early Jurassic) of North Carolina and Virginia. Postilla 176:1-14

Parent taxon: Tanystropheidae according to A. G. Sennikov 2011

See also Benton 1985, Carroll 1988, Chatterjee 1980, Chatterjee 1986, Irmis 2005 and Olsen 1979

Sister taxa: Amotosaurus, Augustaburiania, Dinocephalosaurus, Langobardisaurus, Macrocnemus, Protanystropheus, Raibliania, Sclerostropheus, Tanystropheus

Subtaxa: Tanytrachelos ahynis

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Type: Tanytrachelos ahynis



• Triassic of United States (9: Arizona, New Jersey, North Carolina collections)

Total: 9 collections each including a single occurrence

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