Reptilia - Diapsida - Tanystropheidae
Alternative spelling: Macrochemus
Full reference: F. Nopcsa. 1930. Notizen über Macrochemus bassanii nov. gen. et spec. Centralblatt für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie, Abteilung B: Geologie und Paläontologie 1930:252-255
Parent taxon: Tanystropheidae according to M. D. Ezcurra 2016
See also Benton 1985, Carroll 1988, Chatterjee 1980, Chatterjee 1986, Kuhn 1966, Kuhn 1971, Li et al. 2007, Nopcsa 1931, Peyer 1931 and Senter 2004
Sister taxa: Amotosaurus, Augustaburiania, Dinocephalosaurus, Langobardisaurus, Protanystropheus, Raibliania, Sclerostropheus, Tanystropheus, Tanytrachelos
Subtaxa: Macrocnemus anatinus Macrocnemus bassanii Macrocnemus fuyuanensis Macrocnemus obristi
Type: Macrocnemus bassanii
• Triassic of China (2 collections), Italy (1), Switzerland (6)
Total: 9 collections including 10 occurrences
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