Family Hydrometridae Billberg 1820 (marsh treader)

Insecta - Hemiptera - Hydrometridae

Alternative spelling: Hydrometraedes

Full reference: G. J. Billberg. 1820. Enumeratio Insectorum in Museo Gust. Joh. Billberg 1-138

Parent taxon: Hydrometroidea according to J. Szwedo 2018

See also Andersen 1998, Andersen 2000, Andersen and Grimaldi 2001, Damgaard 2008, Damgaard 2012, Nel and Paicheler 1993, Popov 1971 and Theobald 1937

Sister taxon: Macroveliidae

Subtaxa: Heterocleptinae Hydrometrinae Limnobatodinae

View classification

Type: Hydrometra



• Oligocene of France (1 collection)

• Eocene of Denmark (2), Germany (1), Poland (1), the Russian Federation (6)

• Cretaceous of Brazil (8), Myanmar (2), Spain (1)

Total: 22 collections including 25 occurrences

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