Reptilia - Ornithischia - Heterodontosauridae
Alternative spelling: Heterosontosauridae
Synonym: Lycorhinidae Thulborn 1971
Full reference: A. S. Romer. 1966. Vertebrate Paleontology, 3rd edition 1-468
Parent taxon: Ornithischia according to M. C. Herne et al. 2019
See also Anderson and Cruickshank 1978, Bakker 1986, Battail 1986, Benton 1979, Benton 1990, Bonaparte 1978, Buchholz 2002, Buscalioni and Sanz 1984, Butler et al. 2007, Butler et al. 2008, Carroll 1988, Charig and Crompton 1974, Chure et al. 2006, Colbert 1981, Cooper 1985, Ellenberger 1970, Galton 1972, Galton 1974, Galton 1974, Galton 1983, Galton 2007, Han et al. 2012, Knoll 2005, Kuhn 1966, Madzia et al. 2018, Maryanska and Osmólska 1985, Norman 1984, Norman 1989, Norman et al. 2004, Olsen and Galton 1984, Olshevsky and Ford 1994, Ostrom 1980, Romer 1966, Rozhdestvensky 1977, Russell 1984, Sánchez-Hernández et al. 2007, Santa Luca 1980, Sereno 1997, Sereno 1998, Sereno 1999, Sereno 2012, Smith 1997, Thuborn 1978, Thulborn 1971, Thulborn 1974, Thulborn 1977, Weishampel and Weishampel 1983, Weishampel and Witmer 1990, Xu et al. 2006 and Zheng et al. 2009
Sister taxa: Alocodon, Amtosaurus, Apulosauripus, Archaeocursor, Armatosauria, Cairanoolithidae, Chilesaurus, Delatorrichnopodidae, Enoplosauria, Fabrosauridae, Fabrosaurus, Ferganocephale, Genasauria, Gregaripus, Gyrotrisauropus, Heterodontosauriformes, Komlosaurus, Krzyzanowskisaurus, Laquintasaura, Lesothosauria, Lesothosaurus, Ligabueichnium, Minisauripus, Neornithischia, Pisanosaurus, Predentata, Tacuarembovum, Trimucrodon, Stegosauroidae, Poposauria
Subtaxa: Echinodon Geranosaurus Geranosaurus atavus Heterodontosaurinae Manidens Pegomastax
Type: Heterodontosaurus
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Cretaceous of France (2 collections), Spain (2), the United Kingdom (3)
• Jurassic of Argentina (1), Lesotho (3), Mexico (1), the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (11), United States (6: Arizona, Colorado, Utah)
• Triassic of Argentina (1)
Total: 31 collections including 35 occurrences