Reptilia - Ornithischia - Nodosauridae
Alternative spelling: Nodosauria
Synonyms: Acanthopholidae Nopcsa 1902, Acanthopholididae Nopcsa 1902, Acanthopholinae Nopcsa 1902, Achantopholidae Nopcsa 1902, Hylaeosauridae Nopcsa 1902, Palaeoscincidae Nopcsa 1918, Palisauridae Lambe 1918, Psalisauridae Lambe 1918
Full reference: O. C. Marsh. 1890. Additional characters of the Ceratopsidae, with notice of new Cretaceous dinosaurs. American Journal of Science 39:418-426
Parent taxon: Ankylosauria according to J. Yang et al. 2017
See also Arbour and Currie 2016, Bakker 1986, Barrett et al. 1998, Blows 1987, Blows 2014, Blows and Honeysett 2014, Bonaparte 1978, Brown et al. 2017, Brown and Schlaikjer 1943, Carpenter 2001, Carpenter et al. 2008, Carpenter et al. 1996, Carroll 1988, Casamiquela 1964, Charig 1967, Coombs 1978, Coombs and Deméré 1996, Cooper 1985, Cuny et al. 1991, Ford 2000, Galton 1980, Galton 1983, Garcia and Pereda-Suberbiola 2003, Gilmore 1924, Gilmore 1933, Han et al. 2014, Hay 1902, Hay 1930, Hennig 1915, Huene 1927, Huene 1934, Huene 1934, Huene 1948, Huene 1954, Huene 1959, Kielan-Jaworowska 1984, Kirkland 1998, Kirkland et al. 2013, Kuhn 1946, Kuhn 1964, Kuhn 1966, Lambe 1918, Lapparent 1960, Lü et al. 2007, Lü et al. 2007, Lull 1921, Lull 1924, Madsen and Miller 1979, Marsh 1880, Marsh 1890, Marsh 1896, Matthew 1915, McIntosh 1981, Molnar 1992, Nopcsa 1923, Nopcsa 1923, Nopcsa 1923, Nopcsa 1928, Nopcsa 1928, Nopcsa 1929, Norman 1984, Osi and Makádi 2009, Ostrom 1980, Parks 1935, Parsch 1963, Parsons and Parsons 2009, Paulina-Carabajal et al. 2021, Peng et al. 2001, Pereda Suberbiola and Barrett 1999, Pereda Suberbiola and Galton 2001, Pereda-Suberbiola 1993, Pereda-Suberbiola 1994, Riabinin 1939, Romer 1956, Romer 1966, Roxo 1937, Rozhdestvensky 1977, Russell 1930, Russell 1984, Ryan and Evans 2005, Sánchez-Hernández et al. 2007, Santafé et al. 1982, Sanz 1986, Sereno 1986, Sereno 1997, Sereno 1998, Sereno 1999, Simmons 1965, Swinton 1970, Tatarinov 1964, Tumanova 1987, Vickaryous et al. 2004, Vickaryous et al. 2001, Yang et al. 2013 and Young 1935
Sister taxa: Acanthopholis, Acanthopholis eucercus, Acanthopholis macrocercus, Ankylosauridae, Brachypodosaurus, Crichtonsaurus, Cryptodraco, Cryptosaurus, Dracopelta, Heishansaurus, Hierosaurus, Kunbarrasaurus, Metatetrapous, Nodosauroidea, Palaeoscincus, Palaeoscincus costatus, Parankylosauria, Polacanthidae, Polacanthoides, Priconodon, Priodontognathus, Qijiangpus, Rhadinosaurus, Rhodanosaurus, Sarcolestes, Sinankylosaurus, Spicomellus, Stegosaurus madagascariensis, Tianchiasaurus, Vectipelta, Zhejiangosaurus
Subtaxa: Acantholipan Acanthopholinae Animantarx Anoplosaurus Antarctopelta Borealopelta Dongyangopelta Edmontonia Edmontoniinae Gargoyleosaurus Gastonia Glyptodontopelta Hoplitosaurus Hoplosaurus Hungarosaurus Hylaeosaurus Hylosaurus Invictarx Mymoorapelta Niobrarasaurus Nodosaurinae Nodosaurus Panoplosaurinae Panoplosaurus Patagopelta Pawpawsaurus Peloroplites Polacanthus Propanoplosaurus Sauropelta Sauropeltinae Sauroplites Silvisaurus Stegopelta Struthiosaurinae Struthiosaurus Taohelong Tatankacephalus Texasetes
Type: Nodosaurus
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Cretaceous of Antarctica (1 collection), Argentina (2), Austria (4), Canada (29: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan), China (9), France (17), Germany (1), Hungary (4), Japan (1), Kazakhstan (2), Madagascar (1), Mexico (12), New Zealand (1), Romania (9), the Russian Federation (2), Spain (18), Tajikistan (1), the United Kingdom (24), United States (115: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Maryland, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)
• Jurassic to Cretaceous of France (1)
• Jurassic of Brazil (1), United States (6: Colorado, Utah, Wyoming)
Total: 261 collections including 273 occurrences