Reptilia - Ornithischia - Ankylosauridae
Synonym: Syrmosaurus Maleev 1952
Full reference: C. W. Gilmore. 1933. Two new dinosaurian reptiles from Mongolia with notes on some fragmentary specimens. American Museum Novitates 679:1-20
Parent taxon: Ankylosaurinae according to J. Yang et al. 2017
See also Arbour et al. 2014, Arbour et al. 2014, Arbour and Currie 2016, Barrett 2001, Barrett et al. 1998, Barsbold 1997, Bonaparte 1978, Buffetaut 1995, Burns and Sullivan 2011, Carpenter 2001, Carpenter et al. 2008, Carroll 1988, Coombs 1978, Coombs 1978, Coombs 1986, Dong 1992, Ford 2000, Galton 1983, Garcia and Pereda-Suberbiola 2003, Gilmore 1933, Han et al. 2014, Huene 1958, Huene 1959, Kielan-Jaworowska 1984, Kirkland 1998, Kuhn 1964, Longrich et al. 2010, Lü et al. 2007, Lü et al. 2007, Maleev 1953, Maleev 1954, Maleev 1956, Maryanska 1971, Maryanska 1977, Osi and Makádi 2009, Parsons and Parsons 2009, Pereda Suberbiola and Galton 2001, Romer 1956, Romer 1966, Rozhdestvensky 1977, Sereno 1986, Simmons 1965, Tatarinov 1964, Tumanova 1987, Tumanova 2000, Vickaryous et al. 2004, Vickaryous et al. 2001, Young 1935 and Zhao 1983
Sister taxa: Ankylosaurini, Ankylosaurus, Crichtonpelta, Euoplocephalini, Jinyunpelta, Minotaurasaurus, Nodocephalosaurus, Oohkotokia, Saichania, Talarurus, Tarchia, Tsagantegia, Zaraapelta, Zuul
Subtaxa: Pinacosaurus grangeri Pinacosaurus mephistocephalus
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
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