Trilobita - Asaphida - Remopleurididae
Parent taxon: Asaphoidea according to R. A. Fortey and D. L. Bruton 2013
See also Adrain 2011, Harrington and Leanza 1957, Owens and Fortey 2009, Robison and Pantoja-Alor 1968 and Whittington et al. 1997
Sister taxa: Asaphidae, Ceratopygidae
Subtaxa: Aktugaiella Apatokephalina Apatokephaloides Apatokephalops Apatokephalus Artokephalus Blosyropsis Brachypleura Deanokephalus Diplapatokephalus Dislobosaspis Eoapatokephalus Eorobergia Haniwa Hastiremopleurides Hexacopyge Hukasawaia Hypodicranotus Ivshinaspis Jiia Kainella Kainellidae Lacorsalina Lingukainella Lohanpopsis Loshanella Mendosina Menoparia Naustia Oculeus Portentosus Praepatokephalus Proapatokephalops Pseudokainella Pugilator Remopleuridiella Remopleuridinae Richardsonella Richardsonellidae Robergiella Scinocephalus Sigmakainella Sunocavia Tramoria Yosimuraspis
Ecology: nektobenthic carnivore
• Uhaku of Norway (11 collections), the Russian Federation (1), Sweden (7)
• Whiterockian of Canada (19: Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec), Norway (2), United States (25: Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Vermont)
• Chazyan of Canada (17: Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories), United States (4: California, New York)
• Fennian of France (1)
• Volkhov of the Russian Federation (11), Sweden (3)
• Langevoja of Sweden (4)
• Arenigian of China (12)
• Arenig of Canada (3: Newfoundland and Labrador), China (6), Morocco (1), Norway (1), Spain (1), Sweden (4), United States (2: New York, North Dakota)
• Ordovician of Argentina (34), Australia (16), Canada (44: Alberta, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Quebec, Yukon), China (75), the Czech Republic (4), Estonia (1), France (1), Ireland (9), Italy (1), Kazakhstan (5), Morocco (6), Norway (148), the Russian Federation (28), Sweden (56), the United Kingdom (41), United States (108: California, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa/Wisconsin, Maine, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia)
• Cressagian of the United Kingdom (1)
• Tremadoc of Antarctica (1), Argentina (76), Bolivia (6), Canada (15: Alberta, Northwest Territories), China (24), Colombia (1), the Czech Republic (2), France (1), Iran (1), Mexico (1), Morocco (1), Norway (1), the Russian Federation (1), Sweden (2), United States (1: Montana)
• Ibexian of Norway (2), United States (1: Nevada)
• Skullrockian of Argentina (1), United States (11: Utah)
• Cambrian to Ordovician of the Russian Federation (2)
• Cambrian of Argentina (3), Australia (14), Canada (22: Alberta, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Yukon), China (16), Kazakhstan (33), the Russian Federation (5), South Korea (5), Sweden (1), United States (7: Alaska, Nevada, Texas, Vermont)
• Taoyuanian of China (3)
Total: 973 collections including 1253 occurrences