Chiniquodon Huene 1936 (cynodont)

Osteichthyes - Therapsida - Chiniquodontidae

Full reference: F. v. Huene. 1936. Lieferung 2. Cynodontia [Part 2. Cynodontia]. Die Fossilen Reptilien des Südamerikanischen Gondwanalandes. Ergebnisse der Sauriergrabungen in Südbrasilien 1928/29 [The Fossil Reptiles of South American Gondwanaland. Results of the Dinosaur Expeditions in southern Brazil 1928/29]. C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, München 83-160

Parent taxon: Chiniquodontidae according to C. F. Kammerer et al. 2010

See also Abdala and Giannini 2002, Carroll 1988 and Martinez et al. 1996

Sister taxa: Aleodontinae, Deccanodon, Lepagia

Subtaxa: Chiniquodon kalanoro Chiniquodon sanjuanensis Chiniquodon theotonicus

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• Triassic of Argentina (6 collections), Brazil (9), Madagascar (1), Namibia (1)

Total: 17 collections including 18 occurrences

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