Pseudocentrotus stenoporus Nisiyama 1966 (sea urchin)

Echinoidea - Camarodonta - Toxopneustidae

Full reference: S. Nisiyama. 1966. The echinoid fauna from Japan and adjacent regions, Part I. Palaeontological Society of Japan Special Papers 11:1-277

Belongs to Pseudocentrotus according to S. Nisiyama 1966

Sister taxa: none

Type specimen: IGPS 78207. Its type locality is Nagata, Kamo-gun, Izu Province, which is in a Piacenzian carbonate sandstone in the Harada Formation of Japan.

Ecology: epifaunal grazer-deposit feeder

Distribution: found only at Nagata, Kamo-gun, Izu Province

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