†Aguayoaster schickleri Donovan and Rowe 2000 (heart urchin)
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Echinoidea - Spatangoida - Schizasteridae
Full reference: S. K. Donovan and D.-A. C. Rowe. 2000. Spatangoid Echinoids from the Eocene of Jamaica. Journal of Paleontology 74(4):654-661
Belongs to Aguayoaster according to S. K. Donovan and D-A. C. Rowe 2000
Sister taxa: Aguayoaster aquayoi, Aguayoaster nuevitasensi
Type specimen: BMNH EE 6340. Its type locality is Pimento Hill, Beecher Town, St. Ann parish [Swanswick Fm], which is in a Bartonian/Eocene reef, buildup or bioherm limestone in the Swanswick Formation of Jamaica.
Ecology: slow-moving shallow infaunal deposit feeder-detritivore
Distribution: found only at Pimento Hill, Beecher Town, St. Ann parish [Swanswick Fm]
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