Trilobita - Redlichiida - Olenellidae
Full reference: C. Lochman. 1952. Trilobites. Cambrian Stratigraphy and Paleontology Near Caborca, Northwestern Sonora, Mexico. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. 119 (1) 60-161
Belongs to Olenellus according to A. R. Palmer and R. B. Halley 1979
Sister taxa: Olenellus (Angustolenellus), Olenellus (Georgiellus), Olenellus (Mesolenellus), Olenellus (Olenelloides), Olenellus (Olenellus), Olenellus (Paedeumias), Olenellus agellus, Olenellus alius, Olenellus brachyomma, Olenellus bufrontis, Olenellus buttsi, Olenellus clarki, Olenellus claytoni, Olenellus crassimarginatus, Olenellus georgiensis, Olenellus getzi, Olenellus gigas, Olenellus gilberti, Olenellus howelli, Olenellus latilimbatus, Olenellus megafrontalis, Olenellus nevadensis, Olenellus parvofrontatus, Olenellus peculiaris, Olenellus robsonensis, Olenellus roddyi, Olenellus romensis, Olenellus santuccii, Olenellus schucherti, Olenellus thompsoni, Olenellus walcotti, Olenellus wanneri
Type specimen: U.S.N.M. No.115703, a cephalon/head.
Ecology: fast-moving low-level epifaunal deposit feeder
• Cambrian of Canada (6: Northwest Territories collections), Mexico (1), United States (4: California, Nevada)
Total: 11 collections each including a single occurrence
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