†order Urosauri Jaekel 1911 (tetrapod)
Full reference: O. Jaekel. 1911. Die Wirbeltiere. Eine Übersicht über die Fossilen und Lebenden Formen [The Vertebrates. An Overview of the Fossil and Living Forms] viii-252
Parent taxon: Microsauria according to O. Jaekel 1911
Sister taxa: Altenglanerpeton, Amblyodon, Archerpeton, Barillopus, Cymatorhiza, Dromillopus, Eurythorax, Haplosauri, Hylonomidae, Hyphasma, Microbrachidae, Microbrachomorpha, Novascoticus, Ornithoides, Paramicrobrachis, Pariostegus, Protritonidae, Ptyoniidae, Puertollanopus, Sauropleuridae, Saxonerpeton, Stenichnus, Thyrsidium, Tuditanomorpha, Utaherpeton
Subtaxa: none
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Urosauri in the database