Reptilia - Testudines - Pancheloniidae 147C2B3C-F3A2-4818-879E-452ADE2C4DE3 Etymology: Asmodo from the Greek ‘Asmodaios’, the horned deity and Master of the Sea who, according to Islamic legend, was entombed in stone on the ocean floor and chelys from the Greek word for turtle.
Full reference: A. D. Gentry, J. A. Ebersole, and C. R. Kiernan. 2019. Asmodochelys parhami, a new fossil marine turtle from the Campanian Demopolis Chalk and the stratigraphic congruence of competing marine turtle phylogenies. Royal Society Open Science 6:191950:1-12
Parent taxon: Ctenochelyidae according to A. D. Gentry et al. 2019
Sister taxon: Ctenochelys
Subtaxa: Asmodochelys parhami
Type: Asmodochelys parhami
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
• Cretaceous of United States (3: Alabama, Mississippi collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
Specimen images are retrieved through the ePANDDA API.
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