Reptilia - Testudines - Pancheloniidae EFADE61D-7F5E-4074-8B5F-D0AC7D470E4F
Etymology: The species name honours James F. Parham, former Curator of Palaeontology at the Alabama Museum of Natural History for his contributions to Alabama palaeontology and the study of marine turtle evolution.
Full reference: A. D. Gentry, J. A. Ebersole, and C. R. Kiernan. 2019. Asmodochelys parhami, a new fossil marine turtle from the Campanian Demopolis Chalk and the stratigraphic congruence of competing marine turtle phylogenies. Royal Society Open Science 6:191950:1-12
Belongs to Asmodochelys according to A. D. Gentry et al. 2019
Sister taxa: none
Type specimen: MSC (McWane Science Center, Birmingham, AL) 35984, a partial skeleton (A single individual preserving the nuchal, four neurals, two epineurals, eight left peripherals, five right peripherals, a partial first suprapygal, two costals). Its type locality is Town of Alberta, which is in a Campanian marine horizon in the Demopolis Chalk Formation of Alabama.
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
• Cretaceous of United States (3: Alabama, Mississippi collections)
Total: 3 collections each including a single occurrence
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