Reptilia - Testudines - Tritosternidae
Alternative spelling: Tretosterninae
Full reference: R. Lydekker. 1889. On certain chelonian remains from the Wealden and Purbeck. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 45:511-518
Parent taxon: Cryptodiri according to O. Jaekel 1911
See also Lydekker 1889
Sister taxa: Adocusia, Bashuchelyidae, Carettochelyoidea, Charitonyx tajanikolaevae, Chelonemydidae, Chelonioidea, Chelydridae, Chelydroidea, Chersidae, Chitracephalus, Cryptoderinea, Dermatochelydidae, Dermochelyoidea, Durocryptodira, Eucryptodira, Galvechelone, Glyptopidae, Glyptopsidae, Indochelyidae, Kallokibotioninae, Kayentachelyidae, Kinosternia, Kinosternoidae, Meiolanidae, Nanhsiungchelyidae, Panchelonioidea, Pantestudinoidea, Pantrionychia, Platysternoidea, Polysternum, Selmacryptodira, Trionychia, Trionychidae, Trionychoidea
Subtaxa: none
Ecology: aquatic omnivore
Distribution: there are no occurrences of Tritosternidae in the database