†family Uintatheriidae Flower 1876 (uintathere)
Mammalia - Dinocerata - Uintatheriidae
Parent taxon: Dinocerata according to S. G. Lucas and R. M. Schoch 1998
See also Carroll 1988, Flower and Lydekker 1891, Gregory 1910, Hay 1902, Matthew et al. 1929, Patterson 1939, Schoch and Lucas 1985 and Wheeler 1961
Sister taxa: Gobiatheriidae, Prodinoceratidae
Subtaxa: Gobiatheriinae Uintatheriinae
Ecology: ground dwelling herbivore
• Eocene of China (10 collections), Kazakhstan (1), Kyrgyzstan (2), United States (54: California, Colorado, Texas, Utah, Wyoming)
Total: 67 collections including 73 occurrences