Full reference: R. J. Tillyard. 1917. Mesozoic Insects of Queensland No. 1 Planipennia, Trichoptera, and the new order Protomecoptera. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 42(165):175-200
Parent taxon: Mecoptera according to X. D. Zhao et al. 2020
Sister taxa: Aneuretopsychina, Anormochoristidae, Belmontiidae, Boreidae, Choristopsychidae, Cyclopterinidae, Englathaumatidae, Eobanksiidae, Eumecoptera, Fortiholcorpa, Holcorpidae, Kaltanidae, Karaungiridae, Liassopanorpa, Mecaenigma, Mendozachoristidae, Miriholcorpa, Nannomecoptera, Necropsis, Paramecoptera, Paratrichoptera, Permocentropidae, Permochoristidae, Permopanorpidae, Permotanyderidae, Permotipulidae, Pistillifera, Protodiptera, Protomecoptera, Reprehensa, Sibiriothaumatidae, Sinoagetopanorpidae, Solusipanorpa, Thaumatomeropidae, Volitorididae, Worcestobiidae
Subtaxa: Aneuretopsychidae Mesopsychidae Nedubroviidae Pseudopolycentropodidae
• Cretaceous of China (5 collections), Mongolia (1), Myanmar (6), the Russian Federation (4)
• Jurassic of China (11), Germany (3), Kazakhstan (6), Kyrgyzstan (2), the Russian Federation (2), the United Kingdom (2)
• Triassic of Argentina (1), Australia (8), China (4), France (3), Germany (2), Kyrgyzstan (6), the Russian Federation (1), South Africa (2), South Korea (1), Ukraine (1), United States (2: North Carolina)
• Permian of Australia (3), the Russian Federation (6), South Africa (4)
Total: 86 collections including 153 occurrences