†family Belmontiidae Tillyard 1919 (scorpionfly)

Insecta - Mecoptera - Belmontiidae

Synonym: Parabelmontiidae Tillyard 1922

Full reference: R. J. Tillyard. 1919. A fossil insect wing belonging to the new order Paramecoptera, ancestral to the Trichoptera and Lepidoptera from the Upper Coal-Measures of Newcastle, NSW. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 44:231-256

Parent taxon: Mecoptera according to V. G. Novokshonov 1997

See also Tillyard 1919, Tillyard 1922 and Willmann 1978

Sister taxa: Aneuretopsychina, Anormochoristidae, Boreidae, Choristopsychidae, Cyclopterinidae, Englathaumatidae, Eobanksiidae, Eumecoptera, Fortiholcorpa, Holcorpidae, Kaltanidae, Karaungiridae, Liassopanorpa, Mecaenigma, Mendozachoristidae, Mesopsychoidea, Miriholcorpa, Nannomecoptera, Necropsis, Paramecoptera, Paratrichoptera, Permocentropidae, Permochoristidae, Permopanorpidae, Permotanyderidae, Permotipulidae, Pistillifera, Protodiptera, Protomecoptera, Reprehensa, Sibiriothaumatidae, Sinoagetopanorpidae, Solusipanorpa, Thaumatomeropidae, Volitorididae, Worcestobiidae

Subtaxa: Belmontia

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• Permian of Australia (3 collections)

Total: 3 collections including 4 occurrences

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