Tamias Illinger 1811 (chipmunk)

Mammalia - Rodentia - Sciuridae

Alternative spelling: Tamia

Parent taxon: Marmotini according to J. M. Mercer and V. L. Roth 2003

See also Alroy 2002, Bryant 1945, de Bruijn et al. 1980, Gray 1825, Hay 1902, Illiger 1811, Kurten and Anderson 1980, McKenna and Bell 1997, Ray 1965 and Wilson 1967

Sister taxa: Ammospermophilus, Callospermophilus, Cynomys, Eutamias, Ictidomys, Marmota, Neotamias, Notocitellus, Otospermophilus, Poliocitellus, Spermophilus, Urocitellus, Xerospermophilus, Spermophilinus

Subtaxa: Tamias aristus Tamias ateles Tamias eviensis Tamias laevidens Tamias striatus

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Ecology: scansorial granivore-frugivore


• Quaternary of Canada (3: Ontario, Quebec collections), Poland (1), United States (33: Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia)

• Pliocene of Germany (1), Greece (1), Poland (4)

• Miocene of China (1), Greece (4), India (1), the Russian Federation (1), United States (24: California, Nebraska, Nevada, Wyoming)

Total: 74 collections including 76 occurrences

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